【50%OFF】 28,490円(税込)⇒ 14,245円(税込) 英語聖書 ESV(English Standard Version) This is a Cambridge ESV Wide-Margin Reference Bible, bound in calf split leather. The Wide-Margin edition is an enlargement of the ESV Pitt Minion Edition and the text is arranged in paragraph format, with full cross-references and with the words of Christ printed in red. It is typeset in a modern digital font, with a traditional look, that performs the essential task of including many words within a moderate page extent so as to keep the Bible to a manageable size. Like other Cambridge wide-margin Bibles in modern translations, it has generous wide margins around the text and an extensive concordance. This Bible is printed on resilient Bible paper that stands up well to note-taking, gilt edges and is bound in black calf split leather with two ribbon markers. Like all Cambridge Bibles, it has a fully sewn binding for durability and ease of use. 外国語 英語 English 革装 黒 【SPECIAL PRICE☆50%OFF】英語 旧新約聖書 ESV ES744:XRM (革装黒色 Black Leathe) 型番 【S】9781316619834 ポイント 712pt 販売価格 14,245円 在庫数 3 購入数 shopping_cartカートに入れる mail_outline この商品についてお問い合わせ ツイート error_outline 特定商取引法に基づく表記 (返品など) share この商品を友達に教える undo 買い物を続ける forum レビューを見る(0件) rate_review レビューを投稿